Why RFP Response Teams Choose Dialect Over Legacy Tools

3 mins

Dialect Team

When compared to legacy tools like Loopio and Responsive, Dialect is the ideal choice for fast-moving RFP teams that seek high levels of AI-driven time savings from their RFP response tool.

1. Unprecedented AI-quality, powered by Generative AI

Legacy Tools

Legacy tools have historically relied on past answers and keywords to provide “automated” responses to new RFP questions. However, RFP questions come in many different formats, phrasings, languages, and structures. The majority of “autodrafted” answers in these legacy platforms aren’t high quality enough to save time. Ultimately, RFP response team members still need to edit and redraft many answers, eroding potential time savings and ROI.


Dialect leverages the latest in Generative AI to draft high quality answers tailored to each individual RFP submission. Dialect can pull in context about the customer, the current RFP, past answers, company documentation, recent events, and more – to provide a high quality answer with minimal editing required. Through this, Dialect helps teams respond much faster than with legacy platforms.

2. Powerful content libraries, maintained automatically through AI

Legacy Tools

Legacy tools primarily rely on long, difficult to maintain question banks that contain a list of all past RFP answers. Yet, high quality RFP information is often already maintained in existing content repositories, like help centers, internal knowledge bases, and website marketing collateral. Legacy tools can’t leverage any of this information, and instead require RFP teams to painstakingly port over this information one-by-one into FAQ format. Maintaining this content can take teams dozens of hours every month.


Dialect uses AI to automatically organize the content teams can pull from for RFP responses. Simply connect your help center and past documentation in one click, upload past RFPs, and Dialect automatically pulls the right content for each RFP response with minimal maintenance required. Through live integrations, as products evolve, Dialect will automatically pull in the latest content and remove stale content.

3. Simple, easy collaboration within existing tools like Microsoft Office and Google Docs

Legacy Tools

Legacy tools require you to import/export content into a different format than sent by the customer. Often, this process also requires teams to tag and label each question and question type. This is not only tedious, but also makes it hard to understand where in a document a certain question is, provide context across multiple questions, and collaborate with subject matter experts who are used to existing document editors like Office and Docs.


Dialect plugs directly into existing editors, and lets users invoke GenAI RFP answers directly within their existing workflow. Simply drag and drop the cells you are looking to complete, or highlight the relevant sections in a document, and Dialect uses AI to automatically extract the right questions and generate contextual answers. Through its native integrations, Dialect is much easier to learn and use, and requires minimal implementation for teams to get started.

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